Harsecombe open on field lake. Peg 7.
I really like this lake and had only fished it once before this match and I had a nice day then so I decided to fish it similiar but feed it a big more negatively.
As a lot of my fishing I kept things dead simple.
13m pellet rig. x2. - 1 light 1 heavy.
Short line at top 6 to my left for fishing maggots.
Edge line (this time of year I wouldnt even give an edge line a think but with 4ft down there its worth a go)
At the all in I shipped my Colmic F33 pole out to 13m and rattled in some 4mm pellets fishing a 4mm hard pellet. I didnt really know how the lake was going to respond so I watched others carefully.
30 minutes in I had seen 2 carp caught then I had my first one.
So I upped the feed slightly and a quick change to fishing expanders saw me have another 3.
With 4 carp in the net at the half way stage I thought I was doing ok but the guy on peg 9 was catching.
With an hour and 30 to go I set up a new line at 13m to my left where I just dripped a few 4mms. This proved to be a good idea as this line saw me put another 3 fish in the net giving me 7 carp.
At the weigh in my 27-0-0 was good enough for 2nd overall with 35-0-0 winning.
I think 8lb extra for me was achievable but thats fishing.
Really enjoyed the day and learnt lots as always!!!
This was the first match I used my new Colmic F33 pole and must say it helped me. One major good thing is the top kits are long which was perfect as this lake is 9ft deep!